User Authentication in Rails API
You can use rails to develop a complete web app (frontent + backend) or just API (only backend). If you’re working with rails to develop and rest API and you need to perform user authentication with devise, this tutorial is heplful for this.
You’re supposed to be done with this part. If you’re working with api-based rails app, you need to authenticate user on your own. To do this, follow this tutorial.
Suppose ApplicationController
is the file which is acting as a devise user authentication. If you don’t know which controller is doing the job, look for this line of code:
acts_as_token_authentication_handler_for ModelName
Now jump into this file, place following lnes of code:
privatedef authenticate_user_from_token! user_email = request.headers["HTTP_EMAIL"].presence user = user_email && User.where(email: user_email).first if user && Devise.secure_compare(user.authentication_token, request.headers["HTTP_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN"]) sign_in user, store: false else render_unauthorized("Unauthorized user or incorrect authentication token") endenddef render_unauthorized(message) errors = { errors: [ { detail: message } ] } render json: errors, status: :unauthorized
Now you can call this method anywhere in your app’s controller. Suppose I want to authenticate the user accessing any action inside my ProjectController.rb
. For this purpose, I’ll place following line of code in this controller file:
before_action :authenticate_user_from_token!
making it sure that this controller inherits from Application_Controller.rb
like this:
ProjectsController < ApplicationController
Finally, look at the authenticate_user_from_token
function implementation. It requires you to pass email
and authentication_token
in headers when you hit this API from Postman.